Akhwat Group

Akhwat Ihsan Agricultural Company (AIAC)

Akhwat Group of Companies

Background History for AIAC

Akhwat Ihsan Agricultural Company was established in 2005 and registered with The Ministry of Commerce of Afghanistan, is the only professional company that has expert and technical staff. provides livestock and poultry-related services within Afghanistan. 

For instance, producing one-day-old chicks (Broiler, Breeder & Layer), producing high-quality food for livestock and poultry, equipment for poultry farms like feeders, drinkers, cooling pads, exhaust fans, incubators, hatchery equipment, technical tools of breeder farm and production of both fertile and infertile eggs.

For prompt response & services to our customers & Farmers AGC has an active Veterinary Clinic with well-qualified Veterinary Doctors (DVM) in 34 provinces of Afghanistan. They also have good experience in technical assistance, veterinary services, vaccinations, veterinary medicine, and other technical work.


AIAC is building its own Veterinary Medicine Manufacturing factory (Akhwat Pharma) in Shaikh Mesry Industrial Park, which will start its production soon and will produce standard and best quality veterinary medicine for Poultry and Livestock health

34 Provinces

Successful DVM


Successful Contracts

For many years Akhwat Pharma has been active in Poultry & Animal medicine & has many internationally authorized distribution Branches like BAARIQ pharma, and Hake Bio, …. Which Providing Poultry and Animal disease related medicines & Vaccines, like Anti-Viral, Antibiotic, Anti Parasite, Anti-Fungal, Farm Sanitizing and other with high quality & from best brands.

Now Akhwat Pharma is building its own Veterinary Pharmaceutical by having the latest and standard machinery which will produce Poultry and Animal health-related medicines with high quality for the first time in Afghanistan.

AGC provides all the needed equipment for poultry farms like feeders, drinkers, cooling pads, exhaust fans, incubators, hatchery equipment, and technical tools for Broiler, Layers, and Breeder farms. AGC has a professional DVM and workers group that provides technical and consultancy information on poultry farm management, Disease control, Farm Hygiene… 

Akhwat Farms has its own Broiler, Layer, and Breeders standard farms in different Provinces of Afghanistan which produce Tons of meat, 5000 eggs per day, and day-old chicks daily and distribute them to the local markets and national and international NGOs distribution.

Akhwat Ihsan has already done some contracts with following organizations.